Tuesday, July 2, 2013

4th of July Recipe Roundup

Oh hey America... it's almost your birthday. In true American fashion, this will mean lots of eating and beer drinking outside with friends. So true story, eating and day-drinking outside is one of my favorite things. There is something so relaxing about it. And when you do it in the company of good friends, good BBQ and a good playlist, there IS something that feels so quintessentially American about  it. Don't we look like we really love America here?

Well... we look like we love America and chunky necklaces with dark dresses. This is a favorite snap from our vacation in Colorado last summer. The Ameri-cans crack me up and I love them for these occasions.* I mean, a patriotic can? Only in America. Anywhoodle, back to the food. 

Need a few ideas for your BBQ? Here are some of my favorites for this time of year.


BBQ Anything -- ChickenPulled Pork Tacos or Ribs

Enjoy a happy and safe holiday!

*I work with Anheuser-Busch. I was not asked to write this post and it only reflects my personal opinions, not that of my clients or agency. I really do think the cans are hilarious.

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