While the mantra of this blog is “Simple. Healthy.
Sassy.” lately I’ve been feeling my life
is more “Unnecessarily Complex. Lazy. Thass-y.” Nope, that’s not a spelling
error. I said thass-y. An old friend coined the term to describe when your ass
and your thighs just become one. I start to get that feeling when I haven’t run
in a while and I singlehandedly consume a pitcher of beer at softball.
So what am I going to do about this ‘sitch? Here’s the plan
of action:
Unnecessarily Complex – Coming to you from Day One of a
much-needed vacation. No working, no Blackberry, cooking and eating with people
I love and lots of time in the fresh air (well, okay, slightly smoky Colorado
air). This may entail a less-than-regular blogging schedule as well.
Lazy – Lucky for me, vacation also includes a
beyond-energetic, 4 year-old nephew to keep me going and undoubtedly hoards of
6-packed outdoorsy types to spur my motivation.
Thass-y – Prepare my basil chicken salad and fool myself
into thinking I’m eating summer junk food, when it’s really quite good for me.
Nonfat Greek yogurt with a spike of lemon and basil make
this flavorful enough to even forget about that mayonnaise-y stuff you used to
love. Also a great way to use leftovers from Chicken Under a Brick.
Home-y dishes, like this one, remind me that even something
with just a few ingredients and 5 minutes of prep time can be wonderful. Simple
can be so good and leaves me wishing for something simpler beyond the plate.
And until I invent the Thass-Master (can’t take credit for that term either),
I’ll go with the chicken salad and a run.
Basil Chicken Salad
3 cups cooked chicken, shredded (grilled or roasted chicken
1 cup plain, nonfat Greek yogurt
1 cup chopped celery
¼ cup chopped red onion
¼ cup chopped fresh basil
Juice of one lemon
Combine ingredients and serve on whole grain toast or with
whole grain pita chips. Note: I really
like basil, so I tend to use quite a bit. Start with just a bit and flavor to YOUR