Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Vacation is a Good Thing

We all need to take time to recharge from time to time. Vacation is a good thing. Taking a total break from email, blogging, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, texting and aimlessly scrolling through Buzzfeed was a good thing.

The Husband and I spent a week wandering the Northwest visiting friends, eating, drinking, hiking, roadtripping and eating some more. We actually went without a schedule or much of a plan, which was a desperately needed change of pace. Sounds cheesy, but the journey was totally the adventure.

Between traveling and watching the World Series every night (Go Cards!), I'm playing catch-up. Enjoy some Northwest gorgeous while I get my shit together in the kitchen.

More pics on Instagram!

1 comment:

  1. Some of the best pictures you've ever taken. They really tell a wonderful story. Please share more. Love Momma


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