Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Gift Idea: Personalized Stationery

Mom...stop reading this unless you want to ruin your Christmas surprise.

So my mom, being a woman of class and distinction, is a frequent writer of Thank You notes. I REALLY appreciate people who do this. Paper Thank You notes and invitations are a vestige of decorum from the pre-digital age that we should never ever give up! It takes moments and means so much more than a crappy text or email.

Anywhoodle back to mother requested new Crain paper Thank You notes from Santa and I was more than happy to help him with this request. While lovely, Crain paper can be boring and my mother certainly isn't! So I crafted these lovely notes to better fit her personality.

Monograms to be classic, glitter to be "Darcy"....oooh...shiny!

A stamp, blank cards, pretty paper and envelope lining are all set for an inexpensive and personal gift. Not to mention saving elegant society with handwritten prose!

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