I have to brag for a moment here. As someone who once killed a drug store bamboo... and a houseplant... and numerous orchids... and a few lavender plants... I'm incredibly impressed that I kept this basil alive. I should really give the credit to the Husband who does the watering, but let me feel a bit of horticultural pride.
Pesto couldn't be easier and is oh-so versatile. In one week alone we enjoyed it upon grilled flank steak, mixed with angel hair pasta and cut with lemon juice as salad dressing. If can freeze it too and enjoy a bit of summer in the inevitable depths of winter. Simply mix with olive oil and freeze in ice cube trays.
Basil Pesto
1/2 cup pine nuts
4oz parmesan cheese
4 garlic cloves
1 tablespoon salt
8 cups basil leaves, loosely packed
Juice of 1 lemon
1 cup olive oil
Combine pine nuts, parmesan, garlic and salt in the bowl of a food processor and pulse until combined. Add basil and lemon juice and process until chopped. Turn on the processor and stream in the olive oil and blend until smooth. Taste and adjust salt to taste. Enjoy!
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